Magnetic Nord is the story about our homestead in Northern Minnesota on the shore of Lake Superior.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Clear skies. High pressure dominating the weather for the next week. Highs in the upper twenties with lows in the single digits. The relatively strong spring sun continues to melt snow. Our culvert remains flowing and the driveway is drying out. White tail deer are crowding Highway 61 along the North Shore feeding on the freshly exposed grasses and vegetation after a long, hungry winter. Driving the road at dusk when they are moving to their bedding grounds is like "running the gauntlet". Yesterday outside of Lutsen we saw one run in front of a car. It narrowly missed a direct hit by jumping into the ditch and roll end over end (doing a headstand at it's apex) to recover and run off into the alders shaken but alive. 

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