Magnetic Nord is the story about our homestead in Northern Minnesota on the shore of Lake Superior.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Another "light switch" moment

Thin wispy clouds glide past the waxing moon. A longstanding storm system that has delivered the first green shoots of vegetation clears out. Birds chirp with the dusk of night. Water trickles in the creeks along both ends of my periphery.  One hundred more red and white pine saplings have found their roots in new soil around the property.  A whippoorwill chants in the distant-spring is finally here!

It has been almost ceramoneous around here. In the last couple of weeks we have successfully installed a washer and dryer as well as a dishwasher!  In a way it completes a main objective of the project- to build a home from raw land to all the standard modern comveniances. It's funny- I think a lot about the "light switch" moment when electricity first surged through the outlets and lights. This enabled us to jump into the modern world of long lights painting and making wood cuts without a generator. We moved in and lived quite a while without running water. That in itself is something that most Americans find foreign. Oddly enough it didn't really impact our quality of life all that much. It just took longer to do the dishes.  Then came water. While the amenity of having warm running water at the turn of a facet was certainly convinient it wasn't nearly as sentinel as electricity is facilitating ease to our lives. The nicest thing then was the ability to take a long hot shower at home after a hard days work. It still wasn't a "light switch" moment. Even with water flowing from a faucet it took lots of time to wash the dishes- sometimes even more because it incentivized the use of more dishes. 

Then came the dishwasher!  This is the first time since we realized the full breadth of electricity that modern  technology revolutionized our lives!  We can now load it up an walk away- off to weed the garden, go for a hike, read a book, whatever. It doesn't matter- hardly any time is spent doing what had been a major daily investment of our time. The washer and dryer- all of a sudden we could dry that soaked pair of pants or perform an emergency cleaning of a toddlers soiled britches!  

Our time can now focus on some truly finer points of life. Another "light switch" moment...

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