Magnetic Nord is the story about our homestead in Northern Minnesota on the shore of Lake Superior.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

3 Walls, a Roof and 20 Huskies!

January 1, 2011 - It has now been 1 year since we purchased our 5 acres of raw land - and what a year it has been!  In the sleeting rain of the last week of December, the crew put up 3 walls and the roof sheathing of our garage!  David will write more about the building of the garage in another post.  But here is a picture of the progress to date!

Luna and I went out to inspect the garage after the first day of building.  We headed out after dark and as we climbed the driveway, Luna's nose picked up the scent of fresh wood.  She enthusiastically sniffed the air and when we reached the top, the outline of the new building loomed in the dark.  After a year of memorizing the empty space of our property, Luna must have been shocked to see something there.  She sheepishly sat down on my foot and started barking at the garage, hoping to scare it away.  Now if you know Luna, she rarely barks, so this was very unusual behavior.  Together we walked into the garage and still she barked, a little more timidly, listening to the echo reverberate off the walls.  We walked every inch of that new space and she continued to bark, so, I decided it was time to head home.  The next day I took her during the daylight and this time, there was no barking.

Mukuk (meaning birch bark basket in Ojibwe) and Sitka (in back)

Besides the excitement of the garage construction, David took the week off to guide dog sledding trips with Eric Simula up at Bearskin Lodge.  With a good base of snow and cold temperatures, it was a beautiful week to be on trail.  I spent New Years Day up the Gunflint Trail with David and the dogs.
David with his leaders Moose (jumping up) and Tonsina

It is hard to describe the pure exhilaration of being around and running the huskies.  Each animal has its own distinct personality and yet the pack morphs into the vibrant energy of one being.  When you are out in the serene winter landscape this energy radiates through the cold.  The sounds of the falling paws, the exhale of breath and your own motion amplify in the stillness.  You are one with your surroundings. 
Just out of the chute, heading down an arm of East Bearskin Lake.
Eric Simula & team in front, David & team in back.

 Happy New Year Friends and Family, may it be filled with wild joy and serene stillness!



  1. I've never been there in winter but your words put me right there. Happy New Year to you both.
