Magnetic Nord is the story about our homestead in Northern Minnesota on the shore of Lake Superior.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Video Tour of the Castle


  1. Amy! I LOVE your video tour. I miss you guys so much... I really wish I could come play in the woods with you!

  2. Fabulous. I loved the tour and just admire the amount of work you have already done. As the video ended and I saw the view, your motivation was apparent. I'll get up there one of these days!

  3. I loved watching this! :) It was nice to hear your voice, too. You guys have done amazing work - it looks to be well worth it. xoxo

  4. Thank guys! I know it is pretty amateur, but it was my first video. David and I so appreciate your comments and sharing this adventure with us.

    Dillon - do come play with us next time you are on the North Shore.

    Marlo - yes the motivation is definitely the Lake. It is so beautiful! I hope you guys can make it up here sometime.

    Somebody said they thought I missed the garage doors when I was filming, so I thought I should clear up one thing. Even though this will be the garage someday, there are no garage doors. We built a header in so we can install them in the future but right now it is more cabin-like with windows.
